
Zdravo, ja sam anarhista od 2001 godine, iz istočne evrope, ovaj blog sam pravio 2015 – 2017 godine, tada sam bio praćen od strane danske nacističke tajne službe, nemoj biti iznenadjen ako objavim njihove fotke i slično. Idioti hoće da naprave slučaj protiv mene na osnovu mog načina razmišljanja, takodje koriste Hells Angelse da me prate, i tako dalje. Nemoj nikad da veruješ organizovanim kriminalcima, saradjuju sa tajnom službom. Anarhistički stav je jednostavan: legalna ili ilegalna akumulacija kapitala je ista stvar, nema razlike. Rockfeleri ili Hels Angelsi, nema razlike. Moj engleski nije perfektan ali ćeš razumeti… Takodje znam malo da pričam i nemački ali ne perfektno…

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Hi, I am an anarchist since 2001, from southern Europe, this Blog I made in 2015 – 2017,  in that time I was spied by the Nazi secret service in Denmark, don’t be surprised if I publish their photos and so on. Idiots want to make case against me on the basis of my way of thinking, they also use Hells Angels to follow me, etc. Never trust to organized criminals, they collaborate with the secret service. Anarchist standpoint is simple: legal or illegal (accumulation of) capital, it is the same shit. Rockfeller or Hells Angels, there is no difference. My English is not perfect but you will understand… Ich kann auch ein bisschen Deutch aber nicht perfekt…

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